Help Us Defend the CRP Platform

GOAL: $2,000.00
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Our party's values are about to be gutted.

One thing that separates Democrats from Republicans is our adherence to our tried and tested Conservative Principles. But those principles are now under attack. The California Republican Party updates its platform every two years, and this year special interests are building support to gut the party of some of it's most important principles:

  • Support for strong national borders and vibrant immigration policy that creates a fair and efficient process that rewards those who come the United States and California legally.
  • Defense of personal property and abusive taxation from government largess and fiscal irresponsibility.
  • The right of the voiceless - the unborn child - to life and due process safe from abortion.
  • The foundation of marriage between one man and one woman, and the strong two-parent family.
  • Your right to defend yourself, your family, and your property through the right to own and bear firearms free from intimidation or regulation.

All of these principles, and possibly more, are on the chopping block by those who would remake the Republican Party into little more than a shadow of the Democrats.

We have a chance to stop this - at the Fall 2015 Convention, party delegates will have a vote in defending the platform from the deletion of our values.

But we need your help.

We are spreading the word, and rallying loyal, principled Republican delegates and volunteers just like you to stand together at the Fall Convention to stop this assault dead in its tracks.

Will you help us? Consider donating to our campaign for the platform. Your donation will help fund our mailing campaign to engage the Party Delegates.

It's not too late - but we have to work together.

To donate by check:

Make checks payable to "Tea Party California Caucus" and mail to:

Tea Party California Caucus
P. O. Box 1659
Atascadero, CA 93423