Logins are Self Service

logins.pngFollowing well-understood 'best practices' in design, all login activities are self-service for your convenience (so you can help yourself right now without waiting for an email from an administrator) and for your security.

All our login activities are contained in one simple control, illustrated above at left. (The illustration at right is a picture, not a working control - clicking it won't work.)  If a login control like the one illustrated does not appear in your right menu, then you are already logged in - you don't need a login control if you are already logged in, so we make it go away.  

The fastest way to create an account and login is to click the Facebook or Twitter link.  Facebook or Twitter checks with you the first time to be sure it's OK to use your off-site login here, then after that when you return, you can log in quickly with one click by clicking the same Facebook or Twitter link you clicked the last time.

If you want to join with your email and a password, simply type your email address in to the blank and click the blue Signup button.  You'll be sent an email as a check, so go check your email box and click the link in the email to set your password.  

If you do not see an email from us, check your SPAM folder... or give your email address again in the blank and watch carefully how you spell your email address, and click the blue signup button again.

When you return to the site later and need to log in with email again, click the 'email' link to go to the email login page where you'll be asked for your email address and password.

If you need to recover your password, there is a password recovery link on the email login page.  System administrators cannot look up your password for security reasons.  All password recovery is self-service for your protection, and so you can conveniently complete that task right now without waiting for us to respond.  

If you try the password recovery page and are told that your email address does not exist on the system, try another one of your email addresses.  

If none work, then you've probably been logging in with Facebook or Twitter.  If you want to change to logging win with an email address, type your email address into the blank and click the blue Signup button.  Look for the email, click the link, set your password.  Use the email link to go to the email login page in the future when you want to login.



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