Even though you may be a delegate, you may not be able to attend every convention. But just because you won't be able to attend, doesn't mean that your vote can't count.
Every delegate can designate a "proxy" to vote in their place. It's simple - just download and complete the Fall 2014 Convention Proxy Form, and provide it to your designated attendee*.
Consider providing your proxy to the Tea Party California Caucus - we will guarantee your form will go to a volunteer who believes in our core values and mission, and will vote to in line with the Party Platform and Conservative principles.
If you are interested in providing us your proxy, click here to contact our proxy coordinator, and they will get back to you with the best way to send us your form.
Don't forget, proxy forms must be received at the Proxy & Credentials Desk no later than Saturday, Sept 20th at noon!
* Note these important rules about handing over your proxy:
- In order to vote on Sunday, all proxy holders must pick-up their Official Proxy Badges at the Proxy & Credentials Desk on Sunday, September 21. Photo ID will be required to pick up official badge.
- A maximum of two proxies may be held by a Delegate or Associate Delegate.
- Only original signatures are acceptable. Copies of signatures such as a facsimile or photocopy will be rejected.
- Only voting Delegates or Associate Delegates in good standing may be proxy holders.
- Dues of both the Delegate and Associate Delegate who is designated as proxy holder must be paid by 8:00 p.m. on Saturday, September 20, 2014 before the proxy can be deemed valid.
- Cross-outs or white-outs in the appointer name or designee name sections will not be accepted.
- The Delegate granting a proxy may revoke or change carrier only in writing.
- If a Delegate issuing a proxy is registered at the convention, the Delegate’s badge must be surrendered to the proxy desk by the proxy holder when picking up the proxy badge for that Delegate and the Delegate will be issued a replacement in the form of a guest badge.
- To be eligible to vote on any issue at the Convention, the Delegate or proxy holder must be registered for the convention.