Resolution to Oppose and Eliminate Common Core Education Policies in California
Whereas, Common Core is a Federally-instituted “one-size-fits-all” education program that will not improve educational outcomes but it will certainly be used to control and manipulate our children, and
Whereas, Common Core limits critical thinking in our children and promotes a data-driven system seeking conformity, standardization and adherence to the shallow and generic Common Core curriculum, and
Whereas, the Republican National Committee recognizes the manipulation entwined with adoption of Common Core and adopted a resolution calling on the GOP to stand firm against this centralization plot, and
Whereas, Common Core is in direct opposition to the intent of our Founding Fathers as stated in the Tenth Amendment limiting Federal Government powers and instilling these powers instead to individual States, and
Whereas, on April 26th a coalition of State Senators sent a letter to Senate Appropriations Committee (Grassley letter) seeking an amendment to the appropriations bill funding the Department of Education which would restore State decision–making.
Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved, by the California Republican Party in convention on October 6, 2013 in Anaheim, California that the Republican Party call on legislators and local elected officials to renounce Common Core and restore State and local control of our schools and curriculum.
Further Resolved, that the California Republican Party send this resolution to the media and to all elected officials registered as Republicans in the State of California, both partisan and non-partisan.
Submitted by
Randall Jordan, San Luis Obispo
California Republican Party Delegate
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