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Tea Party California Caucus
902 21st. Street
Paso Robles, CA 93446 Phone: 805-391-0209

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If you are submitting a caucus 'intelligence report' such as proceedings in a committee meeting, please be sure to include the meeting room number or name, the name of the committee, etc.  To submit reports during the convention, text to 805-391-0209 (or call and leave voice mail) or email us at [email protected].

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Showing 68 reactions

  • Alfred Palomino
    commented 2014-09-22 14:37:00 -0700
    tried to sign up 4 times on the net. I tried using my master-card. I don’t use paypal.
  • Kyle Toffey
    commented 2014-08-22 08:44:49 -0700

    I am deeply saddened by the GOP’s reaction to the Tea Party collision. I refuse to donate to the GOP now and have made my donations to you.

    What hope is there that we can actually help make the GOP be a truly opposition party and not Democrat Lite?

    Sick of it,

  • Daniel Catania
    commented 2014-03-10 08:49:19 -0700

    I have been asked by one of the Candidates to video his speech on Saturday afternoon. I ’m an Associate to the convention, however I do not have a vote to carry to the convention, for that reason I will be going as a member of the press and returning Saturday night. I would like to attend the T P Caucus meeting along with my associate after we finish our work Saturday afternoon. We can also video the T P event if you like. You can contact me at the e-mail listed or [email protected]

    Thank You

    Dan Catania

    Tea Party United
  • Margie Liberty
    commented 2014-02-15 13:33:12 -0800
    I started a Tea Party 6 months ago and I would like to get on this list. I have several members who are also members of the Republican Central Committee and I would like them to become active in this Caucus.
  • Bonnie Hancock
    commented 2014-01-06 09:24:17 -0800
    I am trying to click on the charge card section of donation and it will not let me do this. Is there a problem with the site. I prefer not to use PayPal.

    Thank you.
  • Kreg Gable
    commented 2013-10-31 18:36:41 -0700
  • Daniel Diaz
    commented 2013-09-15 21:43:09 -0700
    My name is Daniel L. Diaz. I was contacted by someone from the Central Valley Tea Party asking me to become an associate delegate, however, nobody has contacted me again. Perhaps they wrote down my email incorrectly. The Deadline is the 17th so time is of the essence. My correct email address is [email protected] If the party in question reads this Feedback they should realize I have not received the email with the attached Application and time draws near until the Anaheim Convention. Thank you,

    Proud Tea Party Member,

    Daniel L. Diaz, SGM, USA, ret. Southern CA.
  • edward veek
    commented 2013-09-04 23:24:02 -0700
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