Thank You

Thank you for purchasing your tickets. We look forward to seeing you at the dinner. You will receive a confirmation and receipt by email shortly.



Showing 6 reactions

  • Debbie Lenson
    followed this page 2019-02-05 22:12:09 -0800
  • Jason Anderson
    commented 2019-01-30 13:35:00 -0800
    Just selected number of dinners I wanted, clicked Purchase tickets button and was redirected to Paypal window. Entered card info and voila! Purchase done!
  • Cathy Cunningham
    commented 2019-01-30 07:31:32 -0800
    hope I got dinner tickets, this time, I got a message that I had contributed to Tea Party Caucus. will await confirmation of dinner ticket purchase.
  • Phyllis Wing
    commented 2019-01-29 14:58:25 -0800
    I had same problem that Edward Veek and Cathy Cunningham had. I’d like to pay, but it isn’t directing me to credit card info page so I can…. Please let me know what to do.
  • edward veek
    commented 2019-01-29 10:25:50 -0800
    ditto to the last comment. still have not paid
  • Cathy Cunningham
    commented 2019-01-29 09:44:51 -0800
    hi there twice I clicked purchase tickets, and it immediately goes to Thank you for purchasing and tells me I will get a confirmation. Have not paid! Nor did it direct me to any credit card page.
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