Delegate and Volunteer Orintation


If this Orientation page is 'not quite enough' for you, please plan to attend our face-to-face orientation at the convention Sat at 8:30am, in the Foyer in front of the TPC information booth/table.

Urgent Request: we are a bit short-handed on manning the TPCC Information Booth.  As you pass through the lobby/foyer, please spare a glance for our booth - if you see it has less than 3 people, please stop off and help for awhile if your schedule allows.  We are trying to get electricity to our table so you can charge your mobile devices there.

There's no two ways about it: starting a new caucus at the CRP convention is an exciting event.

It's the maiden voyage for the Caucus, and for most caucus members, it's going to be a pleasure cruise.

Being a successful and productive caucus member at this convention is as easy as 1,2,3.

Here are the only three things we're going to ask you to remember and act upon as a caucus member during the convention:

1. Promote the Tea Party CRP Caucus

Go by the TPCC information booth and get some lapel stickers.  Encourage folks you meet at the convention to scan your lapel sticker with their phone (puts the TPCC App on their phone, makes them a member of the caucus, and puts them on our list to get our text messages during the convention).   Get the TPCC App on your phone by scanning the QR code below.  The app has the same QR code, so use that to share the APP with others.  The App also has the Caucus convention Schedule, Contact Info for the Caucus Communications Center, and even a link to the CRP Convention App.

qr.logo.pngOur use of technology and QR code stickers might just help TPCC go viral at this convention.

If someone scans your lapel sticker, give them 2 or 3 stickers of their own so folks can scan their sticker in turn.

You can also bring the QR codes up on your phone in the TPCC Convention App - just text the word HI to 310.598.7650 and you'll be texted a link that will bring the QR codes up on your phone (and our contact information for reporting during the convention).  The TPCC Convention App also has the Caucus Event Schedule for the convention, easy links to the Caucus Communications Center so you can contact us instantly during the convention.

So your friends (and your new friends) can scan your lapel sticker or a QR code on your phone screen to join.

If someone does not have scanning software on their phone, have them search their app store for 'QR' - they will find plenty of free apps, and the apps install quickly.  They then find the app they just installed on their 'Apps' list.

Make it a fun thing!  Learn new stuff.  

Scan the QR code at upper right to get the TPCC App on your own phone, then have others scan the code from your phone screen.  Help the TPCC go viral at this convention.


tpcc.vcard.png2. Know How to Contact the Caucus Directly, Instantly at the Convention

If you have something to report to the caucus and you don't know how to contact us, then you are stuck!  Know how to contact us before you need to contact us.  

Put our contact information in your cell phone now.

Add the Caucus to your contacts on your phone so you can text us or leave voice mail at 310.598.7650 or you can email us at [email protected]   You can also navigate on your phone, tablet or notebook to and get our contact information there or just submit the form on that page with your report.  

Regardless of how you report, caucus floor managers will get it instantly if you use the contact info above.

You can scan the QR code above at right to add the correct contact information to your phone contacts.  Search your contacts on 'Tea Party' and we will come up in your search.

  • What should we report??
  • You will know if you need to report someting to the caucus managers
  • You might hear a 'vicious rumor' - we will have research associates standing by
  • You might suspect shenanigans in a committee meeting you attend - pls report
  • We might email or text you asking for information
  • Use your judgement, but it never hurts to convey important information that you harvest
  • That said, please use restraint and report only important news the entire caucus needs to know.
  • We are not at the CRP Convention to start a fight, but to build working relationships

You can always just text the word HI to 310.598.7650 and you'll be texted the contact information for reporting to our communications center, along with the QR codes to enroll new members by letting them scan the QR code on your phone screen.

We'll have a consolidated communications center set up at the CRP convention, so if you contact us via any of the 4 recommended ways, we will have your report instantly. 


3.  Make and keep at least 1 appointment with the TPC Caucus during the convention.

Oh, and there's one other item we want to suggest to you, but it doesn't quite deserve its own bullet point...

Relax, have fun, and enjoy the fellowship at the CRP Convention!





Become a Member Volunteer Donate

Scan to join our mailing list

Or text CAUCUS
to 310.598.7650

Add TPCC to your contacts

Click here for more information on our QR/texting policy