Resolution of Support for Government Outsourcing and Department Consolidation

Whereas, the cities of Santa Clarita, Simi Valley and Camarillo have bid out their library services, creating longer hours, more material on the bookcases, better service and at a saving of tax dollars, and

Whereas, in same Orange County cities have combined service department, like landscaping, planning and others, to provide better service and at a savings of tax dollars, and

Whereas, cities, counties and the State (as well as the Federal government) have duplicative welfare, planning, park and other services that step on each other and confuses the public as which rules to obey and who to request permits from, and

Whereas, many counties like Los Angeles have a policy of “bidding out” project to private firms and government departments to provide competition, better prices, more efficient work and save tax dollars, and

Whereas, government at all levels in California have debt, deficits and demand higher taxes to pay for services, and

Whereas, the people of California are among the highest taxed in the nation and deserve government that is efficient with its money and gets the best quality at the lowest cost for needed projects and services,

Therefore, be it resolved by the California Republican Party at convention in Burlingame, California on March 16, 2014 request legislators and the Governor support the outsourcing of as many government projects and programs as possible, use a bidding process that pits government employees versus private firms, and

Be it further resolved, that government at all levels act to combine departments inside city, county and State as well as combining agencies with neighboring agencies, as practical, to better service the citizens and save tax dollars.


Submitted by:
Stephen Frank, Simi Valley, CA
California Republican Party Delegate

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