Friday, August 11th through Saturday, August 12th
Wyndham Garden Fresno Airport - 5090 E Clinton Way, Fresno, CA
(Click Here for a printable version)
Friday, August 11 - Laying out the Vision
12:00 PM: Check-In Opens
2:00 PM: Conference Begins
2:15 PM: The Vision for California
2:45 PM: Where We Are Today
3:30 PM: What We Need to Succeed
- Gorilla Grassroots
- Funding Your Fight
- Messaging to the Next Generation
- Why Social Media is a Must
5:30 PM: What it Could Look Like - Profiles in Victory
6:00 PM: The Gloves Are Off - Confrontational Politics
7:10 PM: TPCC Hosted Dinner
- Keynote Speaker: Congressman Tom McClintock
What is at Stake and Who is the Real Resistance in California?
Saturday, August 12 - Learning How to Fight
9:00 AM: Conference Starts
9:15 AM: How To Grow
- Organization: Gorilla Grassroots Activism
- Communications & Social Media
- Fundraising: How to Finance the Fight
11:30 AM: Research
- Success Stories on the Candidate Front
- How to disrupt media & Expose “Fake News”
12:15 PM: TPCC Hosted Lunch w/ Panel Discussion
- Former Assemblyman Tim Donnelly
- Politichicks Anne Marie Murrell & Morgan Brittany
1:30 PM: Deep Dive (Break into Groups)
- Gorilla Grassroots
- Confrontational Politics
- Communication & Effective Social Media
2:30 PM: Real-Life Gorilla Grassroots & The Initiative Process
- Repeal the Gas Tax Now!
3:00 PM: Action Items & Wrap-Up
3:30 PM: Conference Adjourns
Showing 1 reaction
Furthermore, the real estate property taxes are preventing many prospective homeowners from affording to own a home in California. A reduction of at least 50% in the annual real estate taxes are necessary to provide Californians with more affordable housing.
BTW, it is refreshing to see a grassroots convention that is also addressing the true, propaganda-spirit of our news media, and also organizations like the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC). The SPLC is one of many propaganda mills throughout the country that constantly generates fake news in its ongoing efforts to deceive unwary donors into sending them money. Go figure how SPLC has accumulated well over $300 million in its pro-propaganda war chest. There are many more of these “alt-left” scammers out there, but SPLC is the worst.
Jim Gilchrist, Founder and President, The Minuteman Project