Welcome to the registration page for the TPCC "Convention 101" Conference in Auburn, CA. Continuing our commitment to grow the Conservative base of the California Republican Party, this is our second conference this year to help grassroots activists get informed and engaged in our Party's convention process.
What you will learn about during the conference:
- What is the CRP Convention?
- What happens there?
- What really gets accomplished!
- What new members need to know before going to the convention
- What members and nonmembers can accomplish
You'll also learn more about Tea Party California Caucus, the fastest growing Conservative organization in California. Here are some of the projects we will get you involved with!
- Recruiting new members for the Republican Central Committees
- Our delegate and proxy recruitment plan (and what that means!)
- Preparing for the 2014 and 2016 elections
- and more!
Admission is $50 per person
and includes a continental breakfast, lunch and all-day refreshments.
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