Whereas, Proposition 1A, the Safe, Reliable High-Speed Passenger Train Bond Act passed by California voters on November 4, 2008, has not met the required qualifications which were voted on by the citizens of California, and
Whereas, completion of the high-speed rail system (Phase 1) is not slated until 2028, which is significantly longer that 2020, which was mandated in Proposition 1A, and
Whereas, the lack of electrification fails to meet the requirement mandated in Proposition 1A that the system be a "Usable Section" and there are no provisions in Proposition 1A for the current phasing of the project being proposed, and
Whereas, the High Speed Rail Authority cannot identify the necessary funding to complete high speed rail service between Merced and the San Fernando Valley and that no bonds have been sold and no private investment has been secured, and
Whereas, environmental documentation for the alignments through the Central Valley have not been completed and sections are currently in litigation, however, the HSRA is currently in the process of implementing eminent domain, and
Whereas, documentation provided by the Authority indicates that a trip between San Francisco and Los Angeles cannot be completed in 2 hours and 40 minutes at the original estimated price and the actual cost will be significantly higher, and
Whereas, proposition 1A forbids subsidizing of the high-speed train system, however, the case clearly has been proved that the high speed rail system will be subsidized.
Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved, that the California High Speed Rail Authority cease and desist any and all actions of implementing eminent domain against the citizens and business sector of Californians, until such time as the Safe, Reliable High-Speed Passenger Train Bond Act be resubmitted to voters for a true reevaluation of high speed rail.
Further Resolved, that the Legislators of California stop any and all funding of the high speed rail project until such time as the Safe, Reliable High-Speed Passenger Train Bond Act be resubmitted to voters for a true reevaluation of high speed rail.
Further Resolved, that Governor Jerry Brown comply with Superior Court Judge Michael Kenny ruling, which said that the California High-Speed Rail Authority "abused its discretion by approving a funding plan that did not comply with the requirements of the law" and has failed to identify "sources of funds that were more than merely theoretically possible." The judge said the plain language in the initiative indicates that financing and environmental clearances should be completed for the first 290 miles from Merced to the San Fernando Valley, which is estimated to cost anywhere from $24 billion to $31 billion.
Further Resolved, the California Republican Party in convention October 6, 2013 in Anaheim, California does not support the current Safe, Reliable High-Speed Passenger Train Bond Act and insists the Bond Act be recalled and resubmitted to voters for the November 2014 elections with clarification of the initial Proposition 1A terminology for a revote.
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