Steve Frank: Last Remnant in California of Republicanism is GOP Platform: Will it Change?
How do you know a Republican? The way I try to discover if someone is truly a Republican is to ask them about their principles and values. When a smart attorney type tries to use words that look like one thing but mean another, I understand they are hiding something. When someone leaves out an important element of an issue, like amnesty makes illegal aliens “legal”—so they qualify for citizenship and to get to the head of the line, I am concerned.
If you try to tell me that pro-lifers SUPPORT abortion—who are you trying to fool? Sounds like Obama claiming not to be a bigot. Believe this? ““Most Republicans pro-life and pro-choice believe the difficult decision to have an abortion in the first months of pregnancy is best left as a private personal and family matter.” That is the proposed words. Just a hint—pro-lifers are pro-life.
The media will laugh at that language and anger will come from Republicans. Worse what happens when the Pro-Life Council, the national blogs and others make this into a national story?
Read morePPINO?
Dear Republican Delegate,
Click here to download the CRP Fall 2014 Proxy Form ![]() |
PPINO — Political Party In Name Only (pronounced pee-pee-no)?
In a few short weeks the California Republican Party will hold its Fall Convention.
There will be rules changes, resolutions, training workshops, networking — the usual. The convention will feature a great speaker and the chance to reconnect with friends from around the State. We will have meetings with legislative candidates and our statewide candidates.
But at the end of the day, very little will have changed. Sure we will have more information from all those meetings, and maybe more energy for victory — hopefully for a GOP victory even here in California — but nothing of consequence to alter the current path our party is on the agenda.
That said, this convention will provide a great opportunity to begin the process of rebuilding the Republican Party in California. It all starts with the convention passing a resolution putting the Party on record of supporting the repeal of Prop 14.
In 2012 there were 28 races with only one Party on the ballot. This November there are 24 such races.
Because of Prop 14 there is no reason for voters to register as a Republican since they can vote for Republicans and Democrats on the primary ballot. Republican candidates in the primary work to get Democrat votes — Democrats work in the primary to get Republican votes.
Now both parties are "Political Parties in Name Only" (PPINO). Parties and candidates more interested in collecting rich donors and cherry picking voters than for running on principles and policies. For a political party to have a future, it has to stand for something, and for a political party to stand for something, it must be able to have a say in its candidates.
In the long run, if candidates need to depend on special interests and the very rich for their campaigns, and if there is no reason for voters to register in a political Party, there is no reason for the political Party. Indeed, PPINO is exactly the road we are taking.
There will be a resolution presented to put the California Republican Party on record asking for the repeal of Prop 14. This is the first step in returning the Republican Party in California as a Party of voters and principled candidates. Unless Prop 14 is repealed, the very rich special interests, including the unions, will stay in control of the candidates and the now-defunct political parties.
These special interests in both the Republican and Democrat Parties prefer control to policy and an honest elections. They believe taking the Republican and Democrat Parties off the ballot is good — for them. It is time political leadership include the grassroots and those who work the political campaigns.
There is a way that we delegates can help pull our leaders that direction — by voting on the convention floor for strong policies like the Prop 14 resolution. We delegates need to be the momentum within our party to take our party forward.
I know not everyone will be able to attend the Convention. If you are not attending, please send me your proxy, so you can be assured your vote will go to repeal Prop 14 and make the California Republican Party a complete Party, with Republican voters choosing their Republican Candidates. We will be able to carry your proxy and vote in a way that defends our Republican values.
If you are interested, please download a proxy form here, and send your signed copy to:
Randall Jordan
c/o Tea Party California Caucus
902 21st Street
Paso Robles, CA 93446
Or you can email your signed form to me as well.
Let's repeal Prop 14 and make the Republican Party a Party of candidates and voters again.
Randall Jordan
Chairman, Tea Party California Caucus
Delegate, San Luis Obispo County, California Republican Party
Chairman's Report - Burlingame 2014
Burlingame- 2014 California Republican Convention – TPCC Report
![]() Randall Jordan - Chairman of Tea Party California Caucus |
By TPCC Chairman Randall Jordan
(Originally posted in FlashReport)
Well, it was just over a year ago, last March to be exact, that I plus Norm and Lydia Thompson attended our first CRP (California Republican Party) Convention in Sacramento . We three were brand new delegates from San Luis Obispo County and local Tea Party members.
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TPCC Fall Convention News
A collection the news articles about TPCC at the CRP Fall 2013 Convention in Anaheim.
Read moreTPCC Resolution Against the Current High-Speed Rail
Whereas, Proposition 1A, the Safe, Reliable High-Speed Passenger Train Bond Act passed by California voters on November 4, 2008, has not met the required qualifications which were voted on by the citizens of California, and
Whereas, completion of the high-speed rail system (Phase 1) is not slated until 2028, which is significantly longer that 2020, which was mandated in Proposition 1A, and
Read moreTPCC Resolution for Voter ID
No Centralized Voter Registration Database
Whereas, California is the only state in the nation that does not have a centralized voter registration database as required by the Help America Vote Act of 2002 (HAVA), thereby preventing the accurate, comprehensive, and timely maintenance of California’s voter rolls, and
Non-Compliance with Election Code
Whereas, there are 825 pages in the California Elections Code and many other federal and state laws and regulations that impact California elections, and
Read moreTPCC Resolution for Enforcement of Current Immigration Laws
Whereas, Federal law makes it illegal to assist illegal aliens in any way, and
Whereas, Los Angeles, Santa Ana and San Francisco, among other California cities, are self-proclaimed “sanctuary cities” where the police may not ask a detainee their immigration status, and
Read moreTPCC Resolution Against Common Core
Resolution to Oppose and Eliminate Common Core Education Policies in California
Whereas, Common Core is a Federally-instituted “one-size-fits-all” education program that will not improve educational outcomes but it will certainly be used to control and manipulate our children, and
Whereas, Common Core limits critical thinking in our children and promotes a data-driven system seeking conformity, standardization and adherence to the shallow and generic Common Core curriculum, and
TPCC Resolution Against Agenda 21
Whereas, the Republican National Committee did, on January 13,2012, approve the
NATIONS AGENDA 21 and within that Resolution it is "RESOLVED, that the U..S.
government and no state or local government is legally bound by the United Nations
Agenda 21 treaty in that it has never been endorsed by the (U.S.) Senate, and
Read more
TPCC Earns Legal Insurrection, Redstate Notice
Legal Insurrection has noticed TPCC and our tech plans for the CRP Convention.
Erick Erickson's has also published a notable story.