Whereas, the Republican National Committee did, on January 13,2012, approve the
NATIONS AGENDA 21 and within that Resolution it is "RESOLVED, that the U..S.
government and no state or local government is legally bound by the United Nations
Agenda 21 treaty in that it has never been endorsed by the (U.S.) Senate, and
Whereas, the issues of environment and protection of fish and wildlife and birds have
been placed over that of human livelihood, rights and freedoms, and
Whereas, existing legislation such SB 375, AB 32 and AB 2785 has already
implemented Agenda 21 forcing local elected officials to assist in that implementation,
including Sustainable Communities Development, over regulated businesses and habitat
corridors, and
Whereas, County organizations, i.e. Council of Governments and Regional Policy
Council, whose governing members are not elected, but appointed politically, as well as
Regional One Bay Area Plan and other such plans deny citizen voting to reject or accept, and
Whereas, current pending legislation also implement various aspects of Agenda 21
such as A.B, No.1 authored by Alejo, with the topic of water quality integrated plan
Salinas Valley, does appropriate funding for research and development planning, to the
State Water Resources Control Board, which promotes Agenda 21 implementation and
A.B. No 26 authored by Bonilla, with the topic of California Global Warming Solutions
Act of 2006 Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund, does deal with the Cap and Trade Program and the Clean Air Resources Board and therefore by its very nature is Agenda 21 and A.B. No 32 has created over regulation using Agenda 21 environmental measures and thereby created a NON-BUSINESS FRIENDLY STATE forcing businesses to other states or out of business, including generational family business, i.e. farmers and A.B. No 649 authored by Nazarian, with the topic of oil and gas hydraulic fracturing, does restrict hydraulic fracturing, create a new crime, impose a State mandated local program and cause lost of jobs and A.B. No 982 authored by Williams, with the topic of oil and gas hydraulic fracturing, does create new requirements thereby creating an even more antifracturing, anti-manufacturing, anti-processing and anti-California business.
Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved, by the California Republican Party, in convention on October 6, 2013, in Anaheim, California that the Republican Party call on legislators and local officials to end membership in regional government and make decisions based on the needs and concerns of local residents and not on special interests and governments.
Further Resolved, that education concerning the promotion of Agenda 21 be made upon all Republicans, who hold office both elected and appointed and both partisan and nonpartisan and those who would campaign for such office, so that they may recognize the earmarks of Agenda 21 legislation.
Further Resolved, that, per the Republican Party Platform, American Freedoms as stated in our Bill of Rights, i.e. freedom of speech and religion, right to bear arms, which shall not be infringed upon, be defended so that Socialist action, i.e. Agenda 21, may be fought against.
Further Resolved, that the California Republican Party send this Resolution to all elected officials registered as Republican, in the State of California, both partisan and non-partisan.
Submitted by