Observations from a Different World

donaldjeffries.pngThis is an original report from TPCC Steering Committee member Donald Jeffries. Donald lives in Turlock and is a member of the Turlock Tea Party.

9 October 2013

Back in the beginning of 2013, at the first California Republican Party (CRP) Convention, of the year, Conservative Republicans decided to wear a yellow ribbon, to identify one another. The yellow ribbon is a “Please come home safe and sound.” support message for our war zone military. I view the wearing of it at the CRP Convention as a message to Conservatives to find strength and comfort in banding together.

It was because of the wearing of that ribbon that it was discovered, in conversation, that many of the Republican Conservatives were also involved with a Taxed Enough Already (TEA) Party. This in turn led to two men, one of which is a TEA Party Leader, to meet over lunch and discuss gathering those other CRP TEA Party involved Conservatives together. This in turn led to the establishment of the TEA Party California Caucus.

That idea meeting happened this past Spring. By July, a core group of people had been gathered and was involved. The primary goal is returning the CRP back to the Republican Party Platform, which is conservative and in line with the TEA Party. The secondary goals are those of outreach and influence, by the major objectives of presenting a presence and action, at the CRP Conventions.

Therefore the Caucus is not in any way a part of the CRP and owes nothing to the CRP. The Caucus is a legal separate entity unto itself, which operates at Conventions, to further its own goals and objectives.

That was when I heard about it. Our Senior Coordinator, Marie, for the Turlock TEA Party, is well connected and knows people who had become involved, with the Caucus, and are in the core group. She asked if I would represent our TEA Party, on the webinar conference calls. I became part of the Steering Committee.

Due to a promotion to increase CRP Associate Delegates, within the Caucus, I returned to the Republican Party.

From July through September, every week was planning, for the CRP Fall Convention 2013, and then it was present.

The three days, of this past weekend, of the Convention was an interesting learning experience, for a lot of reasons.

I drove down and found my way through the Los Angeles area, on Interstate 5, and down toward Santa Anna. Checking into the Best Western mid afternoon, I settled in and phoned Annie. That was followed by walking down the street to IHop, for dinner, with that being followed by a walked in the area to find the Convention hotel and site of Friday’s dinner.

In so doing, I came across the Bubba Gump Restaurant. Of course I took photos to prove I was there. I figured that would be the site of my Saturday night dinner.

It had been some time, since I have been to the Los Angels area and even longer since I have been in a 5 Star Hotel. So just walking into the Anaheim Hilton for the Convention was a pleasure that Friday morning. Yes, it is right beside Disneyland.

I arrived early enough to walk around, exercise the escalators and elevators and discover where the Starbucks, MIX Restaurant and CRP registration was as well as our Caucus booth and rooms.

My opinion of the organizational skills, of the Republican Party, is low. They are not out there doing and accomplishing and working hard like the Democrat Party is. However, they do seem to know how to organize a convention.

Registration began on time and I was one of the first up at the counter signed for pre-registration as I had taken advantage of their on-line services.

Then I settled in, with my Starbucks, to wait for the action to begin. Since I am a member of my County’s Team Donnelly for Governor, I kept their person company, while we both waited for our respective people to show up. One of my Team’s coordinators was the booth coordinator. I would get to meet her in person.

In effect, I manned both booths that morning.

Once our Caucus booth was ready to present itself, my camera fun began as I photographed the booth, Tim Donnelly’s booth next to us and people whose voices I had only heard on the phone conference webinar calls. Even Steve Bradau whom I had not seen in a long time. It was going to be a time of learning about and relating to new like-minded, quality people.

These are not people who only showed up at meetings and did not actually get involved. These are not people who want to be in the email loop and that was all. These are not people who say, “I want you to do it for me. Keep up the good work.” These are people who are actually involved and taking action. It was a pleasure to meet them all.

My duties, for that day, were to help staff the booth that morning and then again in the afternoon. I also wanted to observe committee meetings and attend a workshop that weekend.

Ron Robertson encouraged me to get my feet wet and just have fun. After a few conventions, I would be more experience and know more of what is going on as I observe. As an Associate Delegate I was to have admittance to all meetings and workshops. Ron gave me a head’s up that the CRP sometimes would restrict a meeting to only regular Delegates, i.e. the Rules Committee Meeting, which I was interested in. He advised me to go to it and see what happened.

Before leaving the booth area, I walked over to the Patriot merchandise booth just to see what was there. There were ties. I had not brought a tie with me and was not intending to wear one. This is casual California. I had to get it. It being a red, white and blue tie to go with my three dress shirts each being one of those colors. The design is an American flag, with an eagle in flight over it and the words “In God We Trust”, at the bottom below the eagle. Cool!

I did go to the Rules Committee Meeting, with my Associate Badge being reviewed, and was admitted. The room was setup in a fashion of head tables in a “U” format facing the rows and columns of seating.

Upon entering and choosing a seat, a conversation began with a middle aged lady. She is a Christian lady, who taught her children the Bible and to be Conservatives. She also stated that she has known Jim Brulte, who is the CRP Chairman, for a very long time, and he is a Conservative and a good person, who is good for the CRP. It was then her turn to be the door watcher.

He may be basically all that, but he was supported for his position by Charles Monger, who is a heavy mover and shaker and large financial resource. He just assisted in getting the CRP out of debit. Anyway….

The seats filled up creating a large audience.

The previous watcher sat down and another conversation began. This lady was up in age and had spent her whole adult life in the Party. She was the mental repository of its history. She talked of how the media will take what one states and turn it to their agenda.

The meeting started and I began to pay attention to it. The briefing, which Steve Frank had given on a webinar as to what to expect, served me as I began to recognize subject matter of discussion and names of presenters.

After an Invocation and the Pledge of Allegiance, the Consent Items were approved, for technical changes to the language.

The following proceeded with discussion:

What was referred to as Wilder One passed, with little discussion.

However, what was referred to as Wilder Two did not pass until after a great amount of discussion. Wilder, herself, who was chairing the meeting, explained why she purposed the amendment, which pertains only to Primary Elections and sixteen officer positions of the State CRP Board, who would endorse and support only winners of Primaries and not endorse any candidate before the Primary. An audience member, who lives in the area of the RCC of the example given by Wilder, of an incident, which she wants to counteract happening again, questioned and opposed her example and reasoning. Abrahams also opposed explaining that as the amendment is written will over regulate. Other members of the Committee also commented pro and con.

During Fleishman’s comments, he stated that any office holder should be a Servant-Leader. That sure got my attention.

Next the other two amendments, of Abrahams and Fleishman, concerning the endorsement of candidates was taken up. Wilder announced that only the discussion would be done that day, with the voting being done the next day. So far the process of the amendments had proceeded as Steve Frank figured.

Since it was almost time for me to attend the Veterans Committee Meeting, I retired, from the room.

There was not a door watcher, but only some people sitting at the tables. This room was for a small meeting, with tables placed side by side to create one long table the length of the room almost.

I asked if I might attend and the response was that I could attend any meeting. As I was on my way to a seat I was asked if I was a Vet and replied that I was. The conversation, at that point, was that the WWII Park was once again closed, but this time with heavy equipment machinery.

After sitting, the conversation began as to who had been with what branch of the military. One man was an Army Vet and as a civilian had worked a career at the Pentagon. He had also been an advisor for Olympus Has Fallen and suggested that the North Koreans be the attackers as well as designing the attack itself.

The meeting was chaired by Vice Chair Kevin Krick as Chair Chuck McDougald could not attend.

A prior Chair, of the Committee, in attendance, conveyed his strong displeasure concerning a lack of communication and left the meeting. The subject of his displeasure was not really clear to me, but was to others.

The Vice Chair passed around an attendance data sheet, for people to give such information as name and contact info. This will be used later to keep us informed and hopefully establish an organized project. So I guess that means that I am now a member of a CRP Committee?

Krick stated that the attendance at the meeting was the largest he had seen in three years. There were a total of seventeen people, who came in at various time, including during the meeting itself.

He passed out a copy of an email forward to McDougald, which was an update from Concerned Veterans for America, California Chapter. The flyer style communication announced a California tour coinciding with a national tour composed of state tours. The purpose is to take a message of service, freedom and the American Dream across the Country. It is known as Defend Freedom Tour. The scheduled tour events, for California, were for that very weekend.

It was clarified that there are two Concerned Veterans of America organizations, involved with the Republican Party. One is formally recognized by the By-Laws and one is not. The one the flyer was from is the one recognized.

The main subject, for discussion, was taken up as how to register veterans and specifically register Republican. This is another area in which the Democrat Party has made inroads.

The Vice Chair took notes of all suggestions, to be considered and selected and acted upon. There will be feedback, on the voter veteran registration drive project.

One idea was to get local office holding Republicans to assist veterans and then honor the Republican.

I was not just an observer, but a participant.

That experience was special to me. I related. I am one of them not by Committee, but by being a Veteran. I wanted to be of assistance. I gave two inputs. One, many Posts, i.e. VFW and American Legion, will not allow anything that even seems political as it may be divisive. Two, for target marketing, a way of getting the Veteran to want to be involved, in the political process, and first register and then actually vote needs to be found. It has to be personal for the Veteran so they may relate to it, i.e. so-called Obama Care.

I left that meeting with a feeling of satisfaction.

The rest of the time until seven o’clock I staffed the booth meeting and informing people and offering our materials. We had colorful tri-folds stating what and who we are. There were Caucus logo button pins to be worn as well as logo stickers. Another sticker was a Quick Reference Code, which may be scanned into a cell phone or ipad, with a free QR scanning application. For those of us like me, who has a phone only cell phone, business calls were available.

Various candidates, for a variety of offices, would come by and leave their business cards. One person was Vernon Robinson, who is the Campaign Director for the National Draft Ben Carson for President Committee. He and Ben are from North Carolina. Both are middle aged, Black Conservatives.

Some people thought that the Caucus had chapters in locations throughout the State and wanted information to join. They were informed of what we are and given material, including the QR code.

We also had handouts concerning the Caucus Meeting Saturday night and the four Resolutions that were still in the Resolutions Committee.

Seven o’clock was pizza time. Some of us walked, to California Pizza Kitchen. During the wait, for our orders to arrive, there was plenty of conversation. Steve Frank explained what was occurring with our five Resolutions, in that Committee. I had another learning moment added to the day, of the how the process works.

We had presented five resolutions, for Resolutions Committee consideration; Immigration, Common Core State Initiatives for education, California’s High Speed Rail, Agenda 21, Obama Care and Voter ID. The Immigration had been removed since that subject is already covered, in the CRP, and it was mutually decided that what the CRP already has contains better language then ours. The other four were accepted and passed Committee.

Oh…by the way, since I became an Associate Delegate, I was allowed to compose the Agenda 21 Resolution. Marie had conferred with Randal about me and that subject matter. However, a regular Delegate had to present it in Committee.

There was talk of Monger. Since I had observed a man, in the Rules Committee, appearing to direct by nods and looks, which may have just been his manner of agreement or disagreement, I asked Steve what Monger looked like. The description was almost the opposite of the man I had seen.

It was at the restaurant that the subject of Liz and her nomination was remembered. First it was decided to attend that meeting, after dinner, and then it was realized that people to actually nominate and second her twice had to be selected. A process of elimination took place as the gears of Steve Frank’s mind went into motion to produce a satisfactory team.

Off we went to the 9:30 PM meeting. Arriving early we had our choice of seating and chose the right portion of the room. We had a large showing for her as other Liz supporters arrived. There were not that many people on the left side of the room as the nominations began late. Halfway through Liz’s presentation, the front door opens and in walked a large group of people. It seemed strange to me, but at the time I thought no more about it and continued attention as Liz continued her interrupted presentation.

All of the formalities finalized and the meeting ended. As I and others were rising from our seats, one of our ladies instructed us to remain in place. We did so and I asked why as she was sitting next to me. She would not reply and just indicate to wait.

I then heard another lady, who had arrived after we did, saying that she had seen the group that came through the front door late sitting out in the hallway before the meeting. I also discovered that Aaron Ginn himself had been in the late-comer group and that all of the group was his supporters. They had waited until Liz was in the middle of her presentation and with premeditation rudely disrupted her.

Our people were angry and disgusted that such a tactic had been used. I noticed two ladies of our group confronting Ginn and shaming him. The person who chaired the nomination had left, but the other lady who assisted was there. She had to be overhearing our feelings and comments, before she began to be approached by us as we left the room.

I overheard her replying that there is not anything about when people may enter or leave a room. As I came to her I stated that I was new to the procedures, but it still seemed very strange to me, for a large group of people to suddenly enter like that and stated that Ginn’s people played the rules, for disruption.

Saturday morning came knowing that it was going to be another long day. My first duty was to vote of Liz. California Drivers License was checked, along with the Associate Delegate badge against a registration listing. Having to show ID to vote, at the CRP Convention, was a comical point, in light of the Voter ID issue.

Afterwards I got into the Starbucks long line. While moving forward slowly, I overheard Conservative conversation behind me, between a couple of men and a lady. Turning around and stating that I had overheard Conservative conversation I asked if they would be interested in connecting to the Caucus communication via the QR code. The men were, but the lady was like me; technology inept. I gave her a Caucus business card. I had just that morning put those QR stickers in my pocket.

Upon leaving Starbucks, I walked over to the elevators and press the down arrow button. I was going to look for the next place I was to be. A man, who resembled the description Steve Frank had given the night before, rushed up to the door as it opened. Realizing that it was going down, he gave a comment of disappointment. I quickly pushed the up arrow button and stated that it was going up.

After entering, he pushed the floor button as I viewed his ID badge and stated, “You’re Charles Monger.” He confirmed the statement and I held out my hand, which he took, as I introduced myself. The conversation went something like this:

Me: This is my first convention.

C. M.: Then you are going to have an interesting learning experience. When you think you have it figured out, something changes.

Me: Then it is a progressive learning experience.

C. M.: The Monger Party is the best it has been in six years. If you think it is bad now, it was really bad then. (I assume he noticed my Caucus button.)

Me.: Do I really want to know how bad it was then?

By that time, we were off of the elevator and out into the hallway, with him going left and me going right. Really…no pun intended.

When he slipped, with the tongue, and said “Monger Party”, his face showed that he realized what he said, but he did not correct himself. I do not believe that he could tell if I had picked up on his slip or not.

I turned around and walked back to the elevator and pushed the down arrow button.

The workshop I had decided on was Ballot Integrity; speaking of Voter ID. I had no idea that the CRP was involved in counteracting voter fraud. I found seating with Norm and Mary found seating with us. It was very interesting and added to my knowledge base, of the subject. I am a member of the Election Integrity Project and have observed polls. There were many people in the room, who had performed that duty.

The presentation was by Steve Baric, of and for the CRP, who has been an involved ballet integrity lawyer, for some time.

The main part of the fraud is at the time of registration. In Fresno County, the largest portion of Provisional Ballets is based on the reason that the person had relocated and could not prove the relocation.

There is now no signature check of such ballets.

The intent of the vote-by-mail was for voters who are not able to get to the poll due to health problems and should still be for that reason only, but quickly became a use of convenience by anyone and everyone due to the election law not being specific. At the beginning of the vote-by-mail, the CRP began a push for its use, by Republican voters, to increase the number of voters due to the convenience. In that regard, the CDP has caught up to the CRP.

If a person has a permanent absentee status, they will lose that status, if they do not vote for four consecutive elections.

Third party voting is another main source of voter fraud and is really high in the Central Valley.

The CRP must receive over two-thirds of positive results, in the 2014 election or they will lose financing by self-interest parties, who do not care who wins, but what serves they own agenda.

The Democrats change the voting laws for election reasons.

The 2014 Senate results is vital to Republican control of the Washington situation.

County Registrar offices are using drop-off boxes placed in public areas, outside of the office, for Absentee Ballets. Maybe the Registrar Office can be lobbied to cease this procedure. This and other means of fraud used situations may be replacing the method of group arrival, at an election poll, by vans organized by Unions.

The Press was not allowed in, at this meeting, due to the security sensitivity of the subject material

40% of California voters are in Los Angeles County.

There are counter fraud organizations such the Republican Women’s Federation Guard My Vote as well as non-Party organizations such as True The Vote, out of Texas and California’s Voter Integrity Project.

There must be the proper amount and quality of resources, in order to win, at the time of starting action and be able to enforce the action taken, i.e. finances, personnel.

The ACLU will act on the bases of the race issues, to counteract the establishment of fair election law.

On Election Day, any person may observe, but it is best to have been trained and be certified by a counter voter fraud organization. The basic material presented on this was the same as the training material of the Voter Integrity Project.

There is a Duty Judge, who will serve to counteract voter fraud, by enforcing state election law. They are on-call the whole day and may be contacted by the proper personnel of counter fraud organizations.

Returning to the Rules Committee Meeting room, I engaged in conversation with the Mayor of San Marcos. He expressed interest in the Caucus and I gave him a QR sticker and business card.

While sitting there, a lady came into the room handing out two different small flyers. They both concerned the TeaParty.Org and stated that the organization scams its donors. I had known about that for years now. The pea soup green flyer also stated that Tea Party California Caucus is a true organization. The pink flyer also stated that Jim Gilchrist of the Minuteman Project destroyed the movement against illegal immigration and is a scam. I have researched the Minuteman Project and I exercise my right to disagree. I did later thank her for promoting the Caucus.

Chairwoman Wilder announced that there was more discussion to be made, before the voting.

Fleishman explained the background of his amendment and why it had been modified, from its original submission to current submission. The modifications removed missed restrictions and clarifies and strengthens existing By-Law language. It restricts the State CRP and gives more leeway to RCCs.

Point, counterpoint and counter counterpoint, with back to point and over again ensued. My head was swimming with it all

Since this meeting began at 2:00 PM and was scheduled to 5:00 PM and it was already 3:00 PM and the Caucus Meeting began at 4:00 PM, I took my leave.

Upon exiting, I found the older lady, with the Party’s mental repository, standing door watch as she had done the day before. She looked at me and stated, “Can’t take any more?” I replied that she was correct. She began to tell me about situations she remembered in which people took advantage of the way a By-Law was written, with unclear or non-defining language. No wonder those people were batting the ball back and forth.

After refreshing, I walked to the Caucus Meeting room and found it occupied. I learned later that the Young Republicans were there and scheduled until 4:30 PM. Mama Mia!

I began to walk around the hallway and discovered Ginny Rapini asking a hotel person directions, to the Caucus Meeting room. I walked up and stated that I would take her there. She looked at me in total surprise and gave me a hug stating that my being all dressed up was a different look for me.

Ginny is the coordinator of NorCal TEA Party and my group has its 501(c)4 under her. She has done a lot for the Northern California area around Sacramento and holds a monthly meeting for us all. It keeps us connected and we know that we are not alone battling the Socialist onslaught. She is the reason the large Tax Day rallies occur every year, at the State Capital.

Oh…and by the way…she is the one who was the first TEA Party to a file a class-action law suite against the IRS, which is why she was to give a presentation at the Caucus Meeting. If you watch Conservative talk shows, you may have seen her.

Finally the young people left through the front door and we entered through the back door. Two men took positions as hand shakers, at the door. They were also security. I first assisted in cleaning up after the young people and then took up a position for my security duty of audience observation. Others began decoration so the room would tell what we are about.

Even after the meeting started, people were still coming in. At midway through the meeting, I counted rows and columns of chairs. Well…actually heads. Including those standing around the three walls, I figured a couple of hundred.

Woody Woodrum, of the San Diego Eagle Forum, which fights Agenda 21 and whose seminars I have been to, was the Master of Ceremonies and give the welcome and lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance followed by an invocation.

An introduction of who and why the Caucus was formed and its goals was delivered by TEA Party Leader Randall Jordan.

Mark Meckler, TEA Party Leader, founder of Citizens for Self Governance and national personality of influence, was the keynote speaker. He arrived and took a place in the aisle, in a kneeling position. He took his dress cowboy hat off and laid it on the floor, to wipe his forehead. When I moved forward, to take a photo, in passing I commented, “You do take your hat off.” He ginned and replied, “Sometimes I do.” He is most always seen with a cowboy hat on.

Later Assemblyman Tim Donnelly and his wife came in. I managed to navigate around people to shake his hand. When he went up to speak, I again moved forward to photograph, but decided to take a position by the front door, to scan the audience better. He got the audience and received a standing applause.

He was not the only Gubernatorial candidate there. Berry Goldwater Jr. was there and was given recognition as were other noted personalities.

Another personality that stepped into the room and was recognized was a man who has something to do with the movie Atlas Shrugged based on Ayn Rand’s book concerning individualism. I do not remember his name or his relationship to the film. I do remember that he was announced as being at Tim’s Hospitality Suite.

That turned out to be the position that some news media later came in as it was closer to the front of the room. A television camera was viewing over my shoulder and I watched twice as the reporter was filmed reporting. Later a newspaper reporter came by to take notes. She was later identified as being with the San Francisco Tribune.

At times, I had to ask people to lower their voice, when they were in the hallway, by the door. Once I did so and the man ended his conversation and left. I turned toward the other man and realized I was looking at Chris Mitchum, who is the son of actor Robert Mitchum. He sure looks like his dad. Chris is running for Congress and is a strong Conservative. I did say hello…quietly.

While I was there surveying the audience, I saw the two man, from the Starbuck’s line, come into the meeting.

Mark came up and gave an engaging presentation as usual. A standing ovation was given, after he spoke of the failings of the Republican Party.

We also had a panel of speakers; Assemblywoman Shannon Grove, TEA Party Leader Steve Brandau, Ginny Repini and Dawn Wildman, who is a State level TEA Party Leader.

The one who really got to the audience was the Assemblywoman, by speaking of social issues and the TEA Party’s relationship to them. The subject is a passionate one and the audience also give her a standing ovation. However, the Caucus does not agreed with her point of view and she does not understand the relationship she spoke on.

Since we had lost a half hour, in our schedule, it was made up by not having the Question and Answer period.

Steve Frank, who is a Republican strategist and author of California Political News and Views, spoke on How the TPCC intertwines with the CRP and how they can co-exist. He does not like Monger. To him, Monger is the death of Republican Conservatism.

Another person who came through the front door was Reverend Jesse Lee Peterson, who did not have far to travel as he is from South Central Los Angeles. He is not only the founder of a TEA Party there, but also the founder of Brotherhood Organization .of New Destiny, whose goal is the rebuild the Black family by rebuilding the Black man, into one of Christian, Conservative responsible values. The Reverend spoke on Uniting Conservatism with all freedom loving Americans.

He too received a standing applause.

The formal meeting ended and people began visiting, while we conducted cleanup and breakdown.

For my Missouri friends, this is the quote that was on the bottom of our Caucus Meeting agenda. “A man who is not interested in politics is not doing his patriotic duty toward maintaining the constitution of the United States.” Harry S. Truman

I did skip the Hospitality function and opted for rest and sleep, without going to Bubba Gump’s. I did have a package of crackers and some chocolate milk I obtained from my hotel store.

Sunday morning I skipped the extra long Starbuck’s line and went straight to the booth.

Lydia was talking to one of our people, who was telling about the tactics of Monger. Monger will contact the Republican college clubs and offer to fully pay for their expenses, to a convention, if they will vote the way he wants. He will also buy up vote proxies. Is this legal according to the CRP By-Laws? Seems so. Maybe that is another reason so much point counter point discussion occurs in Committee, where he has his own people.

It all seemed unethical to us as Conservatives. But the point was made that to those, who are entrenched in the system, if it is allowed, then it is ethical, by that standard.

I staffed the booth, while others attended the General Session. Traffic was light as most everyone was attending the General Session. I did get to talk again with Vernon. He had on a Gettysburg 150th Anniversary Polo shirt. I am interested in the War Between the States. We had a good conversation.

Assemblyman Donnelly came up to his booth and I had a chance to talk to him concerning a lady’s questions about his bio and education as there were no flyers available. He did realize that flyer handouts need to be done. Tim has had to work hard to gather campaign pledges and funding coming in. He is basically operating on a money in money out budget. He is however used to that. There are even Hollywood people behind him, i.e. Pat Boone, who started a TEA Party.

I also told him that I had decided to get some rest and sleep last night and did not make even my own Hospitality, besides not making his. He said that he was in bed by 12:08 and as soon as his head touched the pillow he was asleep.

Friday he had been down in Needles, California, which is a very hot place close to the Arizona line, in Southern California. They were celebrating a one hundred anniversary of a festival. Then he came up to Anaheim that Saturday day.

Soon it was time to brake down the booth and finish packing up.

We gathered in a large huddle, in front of the booth, to hear the good news that our Resolutions did not need to be taken up on the General Session floor as, when they passed Committee, the Committee itself totally passed them as in over and done with. We did it.

We were also informed that the Caucus had obtained national news media attention. I checked this out today. The Washington Times has a good article on both the Convention itself and our Caucus. We wanted that so Conservative groups in other States might be inspired. If this can happen in California, why not in any other State?

There are various specialized groups, within the CRP, and some are Conservative, but we are now a proven impacting organization. One way or another, we are and will make the CRP think about what they are doing. Those who fear us have reason. Maybe not for the reason they think, but they do have reason. And like the TEA Party itself we are here to stay.

Now we will see if the Party will act on what was passed.

Now we have a lot of follow-up action to perform and getting ready for the next Convention, in San Francisco in February 2014.

A group photo was taken and goodbyes were said.

The opportunity to ask Liz if she had won presented itself. She did not and felt it was because of the proxy vote.. During our conversation she stated that, with some people in the system, they do not care about ethics. I just remember that, in college, I had a special interest in ethics.

Oh…while I was packing up, a man showed me how to wear a button pin without putting the pin through the fabric. Turn a 3” x 5” card vertical and pin the button through to top of the card. Insert into coat pocket, with the button overlapping the outside of the pocket.

And…I saw that older lady obtaining Donnelly material.

I had become involved, with the TEA Party, because I saw our government headed in the direction of Socialism and because I was tired of cussing, at the television. I wanted to do something. I have been doing something for five years. I have learned and educated. I am one person combined with others to make a difference.

Now I have become involved, with the Caucus, because I found it an important element in taking back what was once the great State of California; the Golden State. Now I see it as an element, by example, in taking our Country itself back to the United States Constitution, in order to maintain our Great Republic.

I found it a new hope for California due to our two Party system. The Founding Fathers did not want the rise of political parties because they knew what could happen, but the rise of individualism, to protect our rights given by God and the freedoms given by our unique government, with its system of checks and balances.

They did not want government to rule us. They wanted us to rule us. If we do not do everything we can to preserve what they gave us through great personal sacrifice, then one, we do them an injustice and two, we deserve what we get under Socialism due to a lack of respect for the value of what we have..

It was my intention to serve, at the Convention, as best I could and I believe that I did so due to the words of gratitude I received. I was there for a reason and I accomplished it.

I went there expecting nothing. I left after a fruitful experience of engaging events and people.

The history of the future is made in the present adding to the history of the past. The history of the past cannot be changed, but the history of the future can be, through human freewill and action.

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